Here's a little bit of the science behind the technology... in not so scientific terms.
- The solution is sprayed on as a fine mist like any other spray tan, and then it immediately goes to work.
- Shrinking Violet is Tibby Olivier's magic juice. It is encapsulated in a little "bubble" that is small enough to get right into your skin and start attacking the fat cells.
- Shrinking Violet attacks the fat cells by splitting them open. The fat is released and then leaves the body through the lymphatic system.
- The left over fat cells shrivel up like raisins.
- You lose inches as the fat cells shrink, and cellulite becomes smooth as the fat layer softens.
- Full results can be measured in 72 hours when the process is complete.
- The empty fat cells will remain desiccated which makes the inch-loss permanent (unless excess calories are taken in).
The Shrinking Violet started as a wrap. Don't compare or get it confused with the 'it-works' wraps. It is far from a cheap $25 wrap product that reduces water weight, or whatever it claims to do. Instead, it's actually compared to lypodissolve - something you'll find in a plastic surgeons office. This is why you must be certified in the product in order to buy it. No, I'm not recruiting people to distribute anything. There was so much success with the wrap, but the wrap solution did not allow clients to get a spray tan at the same time... well not until Shrinking Violet's little sister, Contour D'Or was born. With Contour D'Or you can get your spray tan AND the same shrinking technology as the wrap.
This tan really does put all other tans in the shade! I'm proud to offer this amazing product. As your Phoenix certified Tibby Olivier Therapist, I invite you to get your consultation to see if you're a candidate for this product. See the results yourself! Book now at or by phone 602-429-9508
Don't forget to schedule yours at least 3 days before your holiday party for the full results!
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